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Road to Summit 2025

A compter de l'édition 2023 du SACD Championship et pour la première fois en France, Spirit Academy a l'immense plaisir de délivrer des Bids pour la compétition du SUMMIT 2024 organisée par Varsity à Orlando en Floride.

Spirit Academy Cheer&Dance est ainsi la seule organisation en France à partir de 2023 à offrir : 

- 3 At Large Bids SUMMIT en Cheerleading

- 2 At Large Bids YOUTH SUMMIT en Cheerleading

- 1 At Large Bid SUMMIT en Danse


Les divisions éligibles aux Bids SUMMIT en Cheerleading sont les suivantes : 

- U16, U18 et Open du Level 1 au Level 4

- U12 du Level 1 au Level 5


Les divisions éligibles aux Bids SUMMIT en Danse, dans les catégories Jazz / Pom / Hip-Hop / Contemporary Lyrical / Kick, sont les suivantes : 

- Tiny (U6)

- Youth (U8)

- Mini (U12)

- Junior (U16)


Nos Bids Winners SUMMIT seront attribués par les juges internationaux présents lors de nos compétitions de cheerleading et de danse.


Clarification : les équipes qui remporteront des Bids Summit ne pourront pas se voir attribuer des bids IASF et inversement.


Nous avons hâte de voir les premières équipes françaises fouler le sol du Summit en 2024 !

Starting with the 2023 edition of the SACD Championship and for the first time in France, Spirit Academy has the immense pleasure of delivering Bids for the SUMMIT 2024 competition organized by Varsity in Orlando, Florida.

Spirit Academy Cheer&Dance is thus the only organization in France from 2023 to offer: 

- 3 At Large Bids SUMMIT in Cheerleading

- 2 At Large Bids YOUTH SUMMIT in Cheerleading

- 1 At Large Bid SUMMIT in Dance

The divisions eligible for SUMMIT Bids in Cheerleading are as follows: 

- U16, U18 and Open from Level 1 to Level 4

- U12 from Level 1 to Level 5

The divisions eligible for SUMMIT Bids in Dance, in the Jazz / Pom / Hip-Hop / Contemporary Lyrical / Kick categories, are as follows: 

- Tiny (U6)

- Youth (U8)

- Mini (U12)

- Junior (U16)

Our SUMMIT Winners Bids will be awarded by the international judges present during our cheerleading and dance competitions.

Clarification: Teams that win Summit Bids will not be able to be awarded IASF bids and vice versa.

We can't wait to see the first French teams set foot on the Summit floor in 2024!


Cap sur 2025 / heading for 2025 !

​​Félicitations à :​

- Fever Cheerdance - Vision qui participera au Dance Summit 2025

- ASEAT - Dark Night et Majestic Phoenix Cheer - Magistral qui participeront au Youth Summit 2025

- Paris Cheerleaders - Dukes, Dragons ASCVE - Descendant Dragons et Geneva Lights - Flashing Lights qui participeront au Cheer Summit 2025

Congratulations to:​

- Fever Cheerdance - Vision who will take part in The Dance Summit 2025

- ASEAT - Dark Night and Majestic Phoenix Cheer - Magistral qwho will take part in The Youth Summit 2025

- Paris Cheerleaders - Dukes, Dragons ASCVE - Descendant Dragons and Geneva Lights - Flashing Lights who will take part in The Cheer Summit 2025

Cheer Summit BID SACD
Dance Summit BID SACD
Youth Summit BID SACD
Fever Cheerdance - Vision
ASEAT - Dark Night
Majestic Phoenix Cheer - Magistral
Paris Cheerleader - Dukes
Dragons ASCVE - Descendant Dragons
Geneva Lights - Flashing Lights

Plus d'infos sur le SUMMIT
More about the SUMMIT :

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